
This website contains all sorts of templates files and everyone can easily grab the desired one for personal and professional objectives. Some of the prohibitions regarding the usage of our creations are mentioned below which are strict to follow:

1. Free templates are allowed for personal and commercial usages. Redistribution of the content without our permission and to the sale of our free resources is strictly prohibited. In case of any violation, direct action will be processed with the assistance of the DMCA.

2. You are not allowed to regenerate the project for a third party or upload it to your server to mark your identity on file. If we find any violation and misuse of any of our creations, we will place immediate action against your online profile.

3. When intending to share our templates online, a backlink is a prerequisite to our designated post. We never restrict anyone to share our creations but giving a backlink is necessary for this purpose.

All of our files are marked and copyrighted to Mix Template.

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